

A working Momma Encouraging other momprenuers

Matthew 6:33- Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.



Empowering working moms one story at a time. Join me on my journey as a dedicated mom balancing faith, family, and demands of work. Sharing tips, challenges, and triumphs, because together, we can thrive in both worlds.

A Little Background...

I originally came from the hospitality industry serving food at a restaurant Down Town. Between working late nights and pumping throughout my shift for my first baby, I realized I needed a new career path. In the past, friends told me I should try out real estate as I am an extremely outgoing person and love serving others. Well, not long after starting my real estate business, one baby turned to two, then three and then oh my gosh 4. After each desire to have a new baby I wondered, “ Can I still make money selling real estate with all these babies?” Today Im here to tell you that it IS possible to manage babies, a thriving business, a husband and (most importantly) a relationship with the Lord! I am going to walk you through everything I’ve done to date including time blocking, hacks, activities, and products that got me this far. Many friends have come to me asking how I do it all. Follow my blog and I’m certain you will leave with confidence that you can do it too!